Jul 27, 2022
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about the right movements and how they may give you more time...
Discover the secret to amplifying your total-body fitness results while also spending less time at the gym. Find out why multi-joint movements can have a serious positive impact on your strength...
Jul 20, 2022
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn the truth about stretching before and after exercise...
Before you jump into your next exercise session, learn why what you’ve been told about stretching is completely wrong and how it can actually increase the odds of you getting injured. Brian and Amy explore...
Jul 13, 2022
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about how smart scales can be important to your fitness journey...
Brian and Amy discuss the pros and cons of a smart scale and how using one properly can help you stay motivated and on track to hit your fitness goals. You will also learn how to avoid one of...
Jul 6, 2022
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about how strength training can help people with osteoporosis...
Learn why strength training is the foundation to rebuilding bone strength and bone density and why osteoporosis isn’t a permanent sentence. Amy and Brian break down the research around bone...